Who Are We?
Jolly Quill is made up of a dynamic father-daughter duo, and an always reliable furry friend.
We set out to conquer the business & recreational promotional marketing world by storm for two main reasons...
1) We have a history in both business & recreational marketing and wanted to find a way to merge our two strengths
2) We understand some of the common frustrations that busy professionals run into when it comes to promotional marketing, and want to find solutions to the problems they encounter (i.e hidden fees, complicated ordering process, long wait times, etc).
At Jolly Quill we strive to work with you, side-by-side, to help you get what you need. When you order from us you will have access to thousands of quality products to choose from, and top-notch customer service.
Want to learn more? Give us a call anytime at 240.451.1418

Our Team
Ross Bryant
Executive Director
Ross has been in the marketing field for 30 years and has lived and worked in the recreational education world vicariously through his daughter for the last six.
He is a self-starter and has owned and operated many successful small businesses on his own for the last several years.
He has lived in Maryland for the last 12 years but one day dreams of hitting the open roads in his own personal RV.
He is the father of 3 kids, and proud grandfather of a beautiful granddaughter and one granddog.
Camp Name: Roscoe
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken
Mattie Bryant
Marketing Director
Mattie stumbled into the recreational educational field by happy accident six years ago, and has been in it ever since. She has filled the role of counselor, program director, camp director and now promotional marketing director.
Her favorite part of camp is the evening activities, because she loves to see a wild story come to life with the help of a little camp magic.
She loves to explore the outdoors by hiking, kayaking, camping and is always down for the next great adventure.
Camp Name(s): Dug/ Taco
Favorite Food: Tacos of course!
K9 Director
Millie has been in the furry friend field for the last 10 years. She is very big on distant affection (kisses are strictly forbidden) and is always up for taking a nap in your bed.
Millie loves anyone and everyone, but especially those who will give her food.
She is a Jack-of-all-Trades, but has particularly mastered the art of puppy dog eyes to get what she wants.
Her camp name is appropriately Moose, because on the first night she came too stay with Mattie (Mom), she howled all night long, which others said, sounded like a Moose.
Camp Name: Moose
Favorite Food: Anything but Kibble